Learn the art of knitting from the experts! Whether you are a novice or a professional, the A-Z of Knitting will give you fresh ideas, new perspectives, renewed confidence and bring knitting within reach of anyone who is inspired. Just imagine opening up this ‘how to guide’ to find over 1,100 step-by-step photographs! You'll find everything from the basics to embellishing your knitting with surface embroidery, Swiss darning, smocking, beads and sequins! From Aran knitting to Fair Isle, from Entrelac to Intarsia, this book will tell you almost everything there is to know about this beautiful and practical craft.
This is such a flattering dress! I feel amazing in it! The fabric is nice and light to wear. The bust area is very fitted with no stretch room so consider this when trying to order the correct size. I am usually a size 10/12 with a 14B bust and I ordered the size 10 which fits me perfectly.